How To Saltwater Fish For The First Time
Even a day where not many fish are caught can be preferable to working all day. If spending the day fishing is your idea of fun, then you will enjoy this article and maybe even improve your fishing skills.
A fisherman should wear clothing that is similar to his surroundings. Fish don’t have excellent eye sight but they are not colorblind, so they can easily be spooked if you wear bright colors or anything else that is particularly noticeable. Stick to earth tones.
A lighted bobber is key to night fishing. An LED bobber has a bulb which lights up when a fish catches the line. When the bait is touched by a fish, you will see the bobber moving up and down.
You should wear sunscreen every time you go fishing, even when the day is not very warm outside. Sunlight can burn your skin no matter what the temperature is, and while you fish you will be exposed to bright reflections off the water’s surface.
In order to catch the most fish, make sure your hooks are very sharp. Without a sharp hook, there is a good chance the fish or even your bait could get away. Have plenty of sharp hooks prepared before you begin fishing.
If you are just starting to fish, go out with someone experienced who can teach you what you need to know. They will teach you both the do’s and dont’s you need to know to keep safe and have fun.
Live earthworks can be fattened the night before using to make them easier to get on the hook and more appetizing to fish. Simply place a handful of worms on a flat container inside the refrigerator and remove them the next morning. The temperature change and humidity will make the worms plumper.
Check into where you can catch fish, and cast upstream of that location. This will drag your hook and bait past the fish. The downstream drift of the water will attract fish to your bait. For areas with an obstruction, this method is very useful.
You need to remember that some fish you catch will not be meant to be kept. It is proper to release fish that are just a little bit too small or when you have already had an exceptionally good fishing day. By controlling the number of fish you take out from a particular lake, it helps ensure that it will have plenty of fish in future seasons.
Remember to release fish you would not necessarily use. Always release fish which are below the size limit, and do not keep more than the number allowed per day. By curtailing the number of fish you take out of the water, you will be helping the fish population to stay strong for future fishing!
Before setting out to go fishing, check the weather. You will not be as prepared, if you aren’t aware of what the weather is like. Don’t get caught out there with weather that starts out good but turns out bad, later. Watch the weather report on TV, check it on the Internet or on your cell phone before you leave.
Taking proper care of your boat, engine and battery ensures that you are ready to go fishing at any time. Every year, remove your boat battery and store it in your garage or basement in an area that will remain dry during the off-season. Find a shelf or something to place it on, as a cold concrete floor can lessen the battery’s life span.
You must know what kind of fish you want to go for and the bait you need to catch them. Catfish love raw chicken organs, especially the liver, while bream prefer crickets. When you try using the incorrect bait for the type of fish that you want to catch, it is unlikely that you will have any success.
Do not panic if you realize you have a big fish hooked. It will probably fight for some time, so do not try to reel it in too soon. You will risk breaking your rod as well as losing the fish. First you need to set the drag, then patiently wait for fatigue to set in on the fish, after that you slowly reel the fish in.
The only thing better for some people than spending a day fishing, is spending the evening cooking them! Hopefully, this article has given you plenty of food for thought when it comes to getting better at fishing. Keep the tips above in mind for your next fishing trip so that you can get that big one!