Beata Sharpe & Capt. Jim Sharpe, Jr.

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Our Boat:

The 35 Sea Hunter is a custom-designed tournament sports fishing hull. 

It is a 35 foot Sea Hunter with three 300 hp Yamaha's top speed of 65 and cruise 40 miles per hour. It is a very versatile fishing vessel with the capability of reaching the Wall 30 miles offshore in less than thirty minutes or the springs in the gulf some 30 miles north of Sawer Key. It drafts 18 inches of water and can fish the inland channels of the backcountry for tarpon or permit. This is one of the best riding boats in its class with lots of freeboard and flare.

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Please contact us at 305-745-1530.

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Sea Boots Charters Was Born Out Of Capt. Jim's

Love For Big Game Fishing

Sea Boots Charters was started over 20 years ago by Jim Sharpe a Captain with more than 50 years of experience in Big Game Fishing in the Florida Keys, Bahamas, and South Florida. The name Sea Boots was taken from a world-famous charter boat and Captain by the name of Buddy Carey out of Pier Five in Miami Florida.

Capt. Jim's father Red Sharpe, Buddy Carey, and world-famous Captain Tommy Gifford were all in the Coast Guard together aboard a boat called the Black Swan.

Capt Jim grew up working on charter boats in Miami at Pier five fishing with captain Lonny Cambel on the Wahoo, Fred Harvey on the Papa Sea Gull, and John Sacon on the Martha Mary.

For more information about

Hear Our Radio Broadcasts Fishing News

ALL NEW: Over the last 30 years or so I have written 100's of articles for national fishing magazines on fishing techniques and how to predict their feeding behavior based on the moon phase, time of year, and the direction of the wind. Many of my readers encouraged me to assemble these articles into a book. Well finally in 2008 I began to assemble the articles into a book and quickly realized there were far too many articles and short stories for just one book. I then decided to split the articles into five volumes; Collection of Articles One, Two, Three, Four, and Five,

"Fishing Adventures in the Florida Keys"
Each volume deals with a like group of fish species/topics and includes a number of short stories and sidebars that bring the articles to life.


Sea Boots Charters was born out of Capt. Jim's love for big game fishing

And his compassion for all the professionals (doctors, lawyers, nurses, firefighters, and policemen) working in a high-stress environment. Taking fishing to the leading edge was Capt. Jim's stress relief during and after riding Medical Rescue with Metro Dade Fire Rescue in Miami for 28 years.

The Sea Boots is Born

In 1988 Capt. Jim had Claude build one of the Torres 43 Foot hulls with a wheelhouse and flying bridge. This was a shell only, with no floor, bulkheads, etc. Capt Jim and his son Jim began the task of finishing the boat. Capt. Jim's vision was to have no wood in the boat; this would eliminate weight and keep the boat as light as possible. This was accomplished by laminating sheets of ½ inch closed-cell foam with fiberglass for all bulkheads, walls, and floors. Even the keel was foam and fiberglass. Capt. Jim knew from past experience that his new boat must be lightweight for speed and economy but more importantly, it must draft no more than 39 inches of water. This is a tall order considering that the Sea Boots is carrying 700 gallons of fuel, 200 gallons of water, two crew, and six anglers. Not to mention a 900-horse power cat diesel, northern light generator, air conditioners, and equipment. And let's not forget a twenty-six-foot high tuna tower with controls. Well after two years of careful planning and a lot of work Capt. Jim's vision came to reality. A big thank you to my son for all his hard work helping to make the Sea Boots a reality.

For more information about Key West Fishing Charters please contact us.

Come and experience the difference.


Sea Boots Charters, Capt. Jim Sharpe

P.O. Box 421203
Summerland Key, FL 33042-1203
Office: 305-745-1530
Email: seaboots5@aol.com
3.4/5 (39 Reviews)